How to Clean Sintex Water Tank – Step by Step Guide

how to clean sintex water tank
Rashmi Malhotra

While there are many things to love about Sintex water tanks in India, they require maintenance to keep them in good condition. In this guide, we will show you how to clean Sintex water tank to enjoy fresh, clean water for years to come.

We will cover everything you need to know, from what supplies you need to how to clean Sintex water tank, inside and outside. We will also provide some tips on how to troubleshoot common issues that you may encounter.

So, whether you are new to owning a Sintex water tank in India or need a refresher, read on for the ultimate guide to cleaning your Sintex water tank.

Sintex Water Tank: A Brief Introduction

Sintex Water Tank
Image Credit: Sintex Plastic

Sintex water tanks are a type of water storage tank in India that is made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or FRP (fiber-reinforced plastic). PVC and FRP tanks are both lightweight and durable, making them popular for water storage.

Sintex water tanks come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the customer’s needs. They can be used for above-ground and below-ground storage and customized with various features such as overflow valves, outlets, and level indicators.

Whether you’re looking for a small tank for residential use or a large tank for commercial or industrial purposes, Sintex has a water tank in India that will suit your needs.

Why Is It Important To Clean Your Sintex Water Tank Regularly?

Sintex water tanks are made of high-quality materials designed for long-term use. However, like all things, they will eventually show wear and tear. One of the most important things you can do to prolong the life of your Sintex water tank is to clean it regularly. But how to clean Sintex water tank?

Cleaning your Sintex water tank will remove any buildup of dirt, grime, or other materials that could potentially clog the tank or cause other problems. It is also essential to clean the tank to prevent the growth of bacteria or other organisms that could pose a health risk. Regular cleaning will also help to maintain the quality of the water stored in the tank.

What Are The Benefits Of Cleaning Your Sintex Water Tank in India?

Cleaning your water tank regularly is essential to ensure that the water stored inside is clean and safe to drink. While it may seem like a chore, there are many benefits to be gained from regularly cleaning your water tank.

Some of the benefits of cleaning your water tank include:

1. A clean water tank ensures that your drinking water is free of contaminants and dirt.

clean water tank
Image Credit: Pinterest

A clean water tank is necessary for any home or business that relies on clean water for drinking, cooking, or bathing. While public water systems are typically treated with chlorine to kill bacteria and other contaminants, private wells and other water sources may not be. This is why keeping your water tank clean and free of contaminants is so essential.

There are a few different ways to clean your water tank, but the most important thing is to do it regularly.

2. It also prolongs the life of your water tank by preventing the buildup of algae and other organisms.

life of your water tank
Image Credit: Pinterest

Sintex water tanks are made of high-quality materials designed to last many years. However, like all water tanks, they are susceptible to algae damage. Algae can quickly build up on the tank’s walls and eventually cause the tank to leak.

While you can’t prevent all algae growth, you can significantly reduce the amount of algae in your tank by regularly cleaning it. Cleaning your water tank is essential for avoiding algae damage and maintaining water quality. Over time, algae and other contaminants can build up in the water, making it unsafe to drink.

3. Regular cleaning of your water tank also helps reduce mosquito breeding risk.

mosquito breeding risk
Image Credit: Pinterest

It is essential to clean your water tank regularly to prevent mosquito breeding. Mosquitoes can lay their eggs in stagnant water, which can then hatch and turn into adult mosquitoes. Adult mosquitoes can spread diseases like Zika and dengue, so it’s essential to do what you can to reduce the risk of mosquito breeding.

Cleaning your water tank regularly will help to remove any mosquito eggs that may have been laid in the water.

4. A clean water tank is more aesthetically pleasing than a dirty one.

clean water tank
Image Credit: Pinterest

Once you have decided to install a water tank in your Indian home, it is essential to maintain it properly to ensure that the water inside is clean and safe to drink. A water tank can become dirty for several reasons, such as leaf and twig litter from storms, algae growth, or even dust and dirt from the atmosphere.

Besides the health hazards posed by drinking dirty water, a dirty water tank is also less aesthetically pleasing than a clean one. A contaminated water tank will make a wrong impression if you have visitors to your home or business. Therefore, it is essential to clean your water tank regularly.

5. Finally, cleaning your water tank is an excellent way to prevent any foul odors from developing in your home.

cleaning your water tank
Image Credit: Sintex Plastics

One of the main reasons you should regularly clean your Sintex water tank is to prevent the growth of bacteria. If water is allowed to stagnate in the tank, bacteria will start to grow and multiply. This can lead to foul odors in your home and potentially make you and your family members sick. Cleaning your water tank is an essential part of home maintenance. If you have a Sintex water tank, it is relatively easy to clean it yourself. However, if you are not confident in doing this, then you can hire a professional to do it for you. Keeping your water tank clean is essential for maintaining a healthy home.

How Often Should You Clean Your Sintex Water Tank in India?

Sintex Water Tank in India
Image Credit: Pinterest

Sintex water tanks are a popular choice for many Indian homeowners as they are durable and easy to maintain. But how often should you clean your Sintex water tank to ensure it functions correctly?

There are a few things you need to take into account when deciding how often to clean your Sintex water tank.

  • The first is the size of the tank. A larger tank needs to be cleaned less often than a smaller one.
  • The second is the type of water you are using. If you use municipal water, you will need to clean your tank less often than if you are using well water.
  • The third is the number of people in your household. A family of four will need to clean their tank more often than a single person.

As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended that you clean your tank at least once every three months. However, if you have a larger tank or use your water more frequently, you may need to clean it more often. If you are unsure how often you should clean your tank, it is always best to consult with a professional.

Tools Required To Clean Your Sintex Water Tank

Tools Required
Image Credit: Pinterest

To empty and clean your water tank, you will need:

  • A sponge or brush: The sponge or brush is required to scrub the inside of the tank.
  • Bleach or a mild detergent: The bleach or mild detergent will be used to clean the tank.
  • A clean cloth: The clean cloth is for drying the inside of the tank after washing it.
  • A disinfectant tablet: The disinfectant tablet is used to disinfect the water.
  • Gloves (optional): Gloves are optional, but if you use bleach, it is recommended to wear gloves to protect your hands.

The Steps For How to Clean Sintex Water Tank

It is essential to clean your Sintex water tank regularly to ensure that the water inside is clean and safe to drink. Here are the steps you need to follow if you’re wondering how to clean Sintex water tank:

1. Drain all the water out of the tank.

water out of the tank
Image Credit: Housing

To do so, first, turn off the power to the pump. Next, open the drain valve and the faucet at the bottom of the tank to let the water out. If your tank is hooked up to a water line, you may also need to turn off the water to the line. Let the water drain until the tank is empty. Now it’s time to clean the tank.

2. Mix a solution of bleach and water and use this to scrub down the inside of the tank.

Mix a bleach solution
Image Credit: Pinterest

Before you begin scrubbing:

  1. Mix a bleach solution and water (1/3 cup of bleach per gallon).
  2. Fill a bucket with this solution and use a sponge to scrub the inside of the tank.
  3. Get into all of the nooks and crannies.
  4. Rinse the tank out thoroughly with clean water when you’re finished.

3. Fill the tank with clean water and add a disinfectant tablet.

disinfectant tablet
Image Credit: Pinterest

The next step is to fill the water tank and then add a disinfectant tablet. You can find these tablets at most hardware or home improvement stores. Follow the instructions on the package for how much to use. Let the water sit for the recommended before turning on the pump. This will give the disinfectant time to work.

4. Rinse the tank out one final time with clean water.

final time with clean water
Image Credit: Pinterest

After the recommended time has passed, turn on the pump and let the water run through the tank. Then, open the drain valve and the faucet at the bottom of the tank to let the water out. If your tank is hooked up to a water line, you may also need to turn off the water to the line. Let the water drain until the tank is empty. Once the tank is empty, you can close the drain valve and the faucet. Congratulations, you have now cleaned your water tank!

Tips To Prevent Future Build-Up In A Sintex Water Tank

Future Build-Up
Image Credit: Pinterest

Are you tired of cleaning your water tank every few months? If you’re looking for a way to prevent buildup in your Sintex water tank, here are 5 tips to help you out:

  1. Use a quality water filter. This will help to remove impurities from the water, which can lead to buildup.
  2. Try to avoid using harsh chemicals. These can also contribute to buildup in your tank.
  3. Have your tank professionally cleaned on a regular basis. This will help to remove any existing buildup and prevent new buildup from forming.
  4. Use a tank liner. This will create a barrier between the water and the tank, which can help to prevent buildup.
  5. Regularly check the pipes and fittings for leaks. This will ensure that there is no severe or long-term damage.


Over time, your Sintex water tank can become dirty, leading to several problems. Thankfully, cleaning your Sintex water tank is a relatively straightforward process. This guide provides a step-by-step process for cleaning your Sintex water tank and tips for preventing future buildup. If you have any questions or queries, leave them in the comment section below.


What is the best way to clean a water tank?

There are a few different ways to clean your water tank, but the best way will depend on the size and type of tank you have.
● One way to clean a water tank is to use a hose to flush out the tank. This method is effective for small tanks but is not recommended for large tanks as it can take a long time to flush out the tank thoroughly.
● Another way to clean a water tank is to add a cleaning solution and then use a hose to circulate the solution throughout the tank. This method is more effective for larger tanks, but it is essential to ensure you use the correct cleaning solution to water ratio.

How often should I clean my water tank?

Your water tank should be cleaned at least once every three months and more often if it is located in an area with high temperatures or direct sunlight. If you live in a room with hard water, you may need to clean your tank more often to prevent the buildup of minerals.

What are the things I need to clean my water tank?

There are a few different things you’ll need to clean your tank, including properly
● A cleaning solution: You can use a variety of different solutions to clean your Sintex tank, bleach, vinegar, or a commercial cleaning solution.
● A brush: A brush will help you scrub the sides of your tank and remove any buildup that has accrued.
● A hose: You’ll need a hose to rinse your tank after scrubbing it down.

How to clean Sintex water tank from inside in India?

While it may seem a tough task, it’s ain’t so. We have shared the stepwise process in the post above. Have a look.

How clean Sintex water tank from outside?

Keeping your water tank clean is vital to ensure that the water inside is safe to drink. You can clean the outside of your water tank in a few different ways.
● One way is to use a power washer. You can rent or purchase a power washer from most hardware stores. Be sure to read the instructions on using the power washer before you begin.
● Another way to clean the outside of your water tank is to use a bleach solution. Mix one part bleach with ten parts water. Be sure to wear gloves and a mask when you are handling bleach. Use a brush to scrub the outside of the tank with the bleach solution. Rinse the tank off with clean water when you are finished.
● You can also hire a professional to clean your water tank.

What should I do after cleaning my water tank?

After you have cleaned your Sintex water tank, it is essential to disinfect it to prevent bacteria and algae growth. You can do this by using chlorine or other disinfectant tablets. Be sure to follow the disinfection instructions carefully to ensure that your tank is safe to use.

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